
SCD Statement on Fascism and Racism

We’ve experienced dark days recently where fascist mobs have taken to the streets, attacking and terrorising members of our communities.

These are not isolated or random incidents, but rather a product of a racist rhetoric that permeates British politics, policing and media.

Whilst we should and do deplore their violence, we must also stand united against the systems of oppression that allow this violence to occur.

Many politicians, police and news producers stir up hatred and blame for marginalised peoples instead of addressing societal problems such as social and health inequality, housing insecurity, and climate injustice.

Moreover, these people are profiting from the racist tension they have fuelled and cannot believe their luck when people look to blame migrants and other minority groups for these inequities.

SCD is founded on co-operative principles that strive for equality for all members.

Co-operatives completely remove landlords and bosses who exploit us all and who drive division in communities.

In the wider context, co-operatives have a long history of organising against fascism with examples including the ‘Milk for Spain‘ campaign during the Spanish civil war and the campaign against ISIS in Rojava which is explicit about co-operative economic principles.

At SCD we will always support the rights of vulnerable and marginalised groups and protest against fascists, be they physically, politically or economically violent.

We stand in solidarity with all those who have come out to protect each other these past weeks.

Let’s continue to be united by what we have in common, continue to be visible in our unity and continue to work to make our communities not just not fascist and not racist, but anti-fascist and anti-racist.